Exercise Lifestyle

10 Exercises That Can Help You Get Rid of Hip Dips

10 Exercises That Can Help You Get Rid of Hip Dips

If you are also wondering what are hip dips and how to get rid of hip dips! Well, then you are at the right place, and we can help you ditch them. The hip dip is usually a bone structure issue, but exercises can help. The beauty world is a whole of words that can be our fitness enemies. One such term is “hip dips,” which are things under the hip bones that can cause insecurity for many people. But don’t worry, gym friends! The truth is that hip implants often result from bone structure and tissue distribution. They aren’t inherently wrong, and with the right approach, you can minimize their appearance and create a young, fit, well-constructed body.

While spot reduction (loss of fat in a specific area) is a myth, building muscle and reducing body fat can dramatically improve the look of your waist. This guide explores 10 effective exercises that target key muscles that help define the hips while strengthening overall strength inside and pin. Remember, pins are key! Aim to incorporate these exercises to get rid of hip dips 2-3 times weekly for best results.

exercises to get rid of hip dips

Source: Pexels 

10 Exercises That Can Help You Get Rid of Hips Dips

Side Hip Openers (Fire Hydrants)

These exercises to get rid of hip dips work on the back of your thighs and the pelvic floor, which is essential for reducing hip prolapse. Start on all fours with arms extended and knees and hips extended. With your core engaged and your back flat, lift one knee to the side, keeping the glute bent at 90 degrees. Slowly lower your back and repeat with the other leg. Focus on controlled movement and enfold your glutes at the top of each lift. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps per leg.


Squats are basic exercises to build muscular legs and glutes and significantly reduce hip flexion—a clean-spaced stance with broad shoulders and slightly exposed toes. With your back directly and core engaged, decrease your hips as if sitting in a chair. Lower till your hips are parallel to the ground (or as low as viable), ensuring your knees are over your ankles. Push back to the beginning position with your heels, squeezing your glutes at the top. Do three sets of 12-15 repetitions.


Lunges work your legs, glutes, and core simultaneously, making them a super exercise for hip dips. Step ahead with one leg and decrease your hips till both knees are bent ninety levels. Ensure your front knee is at the board above your ankle and your returned knee isn’t always touching the ground. Push your front heel back to the starting position, and repeat with your other foot. For an added hip challenge, focus on pushing your hips back slightly as you squat. Focus on 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg.


Step-downs engage your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, helping to develop the muscles that contribute to a smooth hip line. Look for a slightly firmer platform (bench, steps, etc.) than knee-high. Lower one leg and lower your hips until your back knee almost touches the floor. Push down and repeat with the other leg to reach the starting position. To make it more challenging, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg.


Clamshells are a brilliant set of exercise that strengthens your internal and outer glutes, the keys to clearing hip flexors. Lie to your side with your knees bent and toes together. With your hips together, lift your top knee away from your bottom knee, engaging your glutes. Focus on squeezing and lifting via the glutes, now not into your thighs or hips. When you use it, lower it slowly. Do 3 units of 15-20 reps on each leg, then transfer aspects.

Side Leg Lifts

Side leg lifts goal and tightens your thigh muscle groups, tensor fascia lata (TFL), and gluteus mediums, which could assist in filling out the look of your thighs. Lie in your facet together with your legs stacked, and your thighs are best. With your center engaged and your frame immediately, elevate your pinnacle leg as excessively as possible without arching your back. Focus on lifting through the outer thighs, no longer the internal thighs. When the usage of it, decrease it slowly. Do 3 units of 12-15 reps on every leg, then transfer aspects.

how to get rid of hip dips

Source: Pexels 

Curtsy Lunges

This jump adds a twist, running your waist and hips more than a conventional jump. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Step back diagonally with one leg and lower your hips until both knees are flat. Push back up, squeeze your glutes, and repeat with the other leg. This variation helps compensate for the hip flexion by strengthening the inner thigh and external glute.

Donkey Kicks

Ass-kicking cleans and strengthens your glutes and hamstrings. Start with all four. With your knees bent, lift one leg toward the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top. When using it, lower it slowly. This exercise helps develop definition in the glutes, reducing the appearance of hip dip.

Bulgarian Split Squats

These single-leg squats challenge your balance and target your glutes and quads. Place one foot behind you on a bench or stairs. Lower your hips until your front knee is out at a 90-degree angle. Push back up through your front heels and return to the starting position. This one-sided exercise strengthens the gluten medium, the primary muscle that reduces hip recession.

Banded Sumo Squats

In these squats, a resistance band is used to maximize the hips. Keep your stance wider than shoulder width, and wrap the line around your waist above your knees. Keep your back straight and follow your knees out. Push your buttocks back up. The band adds resistance, targeting the posterior glutes and hamstrings, which can help combat the hip slump.

what are hip dips and how to get rid of hip dips

Source: Pexels 

Summing Up

The hip dip is usually a bone structure issue, but this exercise to eliminate hip dips can help! By strengthening the glutes, hamstrings, and rear thighs, you can reduce their appearance and build a toned and lean body. Remember, consistency is key! Do 4-6 workouts per day. Reem, hip dugs are hereditary most of the time, so instead, pay attention to pushing through to build strength that will enhance the shape of the hips. 

So don’t give up on it if you don’t see results the next day – learn to embrace it even for general toning! I also set up directions for those who want to make their exercises even more complicated: add weight and resistance bands to the movements for additional weight progress. In the lower body, patience and determination will see you reap the rewards of toned muscles within the lower body area.


 Michele Dolan (2023)  How to Get Rid of Hip Dips

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